Easy Tips for Trimming Hedges Like a Pro



Hedges are a wonderful addition to any garden or landscape, adding beauty and privacy to your outdoor space. However, without proper maintenance, they can quickly become overgrown and unruly. Trimming your hedges not only enhances their appearance but also ensures they stay healthy and thriving. If you're new to hedge trimming or just looking for some straightforward tips, this guide will help you trim your hedges like a pro.

1. Choose the Right Time

Timing is everything when it comes to trimming hedges. The best time to trim most hedges is during the late spring or early summer when they are actively growing. However, it's essential to check the specific type of hedge you have, as some may have different optimal trimming times. Avoid trimming during extreme heat or freezing cold (fall time is ok), as it can stress the plants.

2. Use the Right Tools

Invest in the right tools to make the job easier and ensure a clean, professional finish. You'll need a pair of sharp hedge shears or electric trimmers. Make sure your shears are well-maintained and sharp, as dull blades can damage the hedge. Safety gear, like gloves and safety glasses, is also a must to protect yourself from debris and thorns.

3. Measure and Mark

Before you start trimming, use a string or a long stick to mark the height and shape you want for your hedges. This will help ensure an even and symmetrical appearance. Make sure you measure both the height and width to create a balanced look.

4. Start at the Bottom

When you begin trimming, start at the bottom of the hedge and work your way up. Trim in a sweeping motion, moving from left to right or right to left to maintain a straight line. Be patient and take your time to avoid any uneven or jagged edges.

5. Maintain the Natural Shape

One common mistake when trimming hedges is trying to create a perfectly straight line. Instead, aim to maintain the natural shape of the hedge. This will not only look better but also help the hedge grow more healthily. Pay attention to the plant's natural contours and trim accordingly.

6. Trim at a Slight Angle

To encourage new growth and prevent the top of the hedge from shading the lower parts, trim the sides of the hedge at a slight inward angle. This allows sunlight to reach the lower branches, promoting healthier growth.

7. Remove Dead or Diseased Branches

While trimming, keep an eye out for dead or diseased branches, and remove them as you go. Pruning shears or loppers are handy for thicker branches that your hedge shears can't handle. Removing these branches will help the hedge grow more vigorously.

8. Clean Up Regularly

Don't leave clippings on the ground; they can smother the hedge and attract pests or diseases. Rake up the debris and dispose of it properly. You can also use the clippings for compost if they're free from disease.

9. Water and Fertilize

After trimming, give your hedges a good soak to help them recover from the stress of pruning. Apply a balanced fertilizer to encourage new growth and keep your hedges healthy.

10. Regular Maintenance

Trim your hedges regularly to maintain their shape and health. A little bit of regular trimming is much easier than trying to tame wildly overgrown hedges.


Trimming hedges can be a rewarding task when done right. By following these simple tips, you can keep your hedges in tip-top shape, enhancing the beauty of your garden or landscape. Remember to choose the right time, use the proper tools, maintain the natural shape, and clean up after each trimming session. With a little care and attention, your hedges will thrive and continue to be a beautiful addition to your outdoor space.

Contact Us today to see how Wolberts can help you with your landscaping needs.


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