Plant Health
Decades of experience working with plants allow us to predict the approximate timing of insect, mite and disease pests and effectively treat to prevent, or halt the problem. YardGuard is a program of periodic visits by a licensed plant health care technician to monitor, identify, and treat landscape pests and disease. The goal is to encourage plant health and limit damage by insects and fungal/bacterial disease.
We are careful about insecticide use and only use products that are non-toxic to bees in spring when fruit and flowering trees are in bloom.
Whether fruit trees or ornamentals are your concern, our YardGuard Plant Protection is a program of periodic visits by a licensed plant health care technicians to monitor, identify, and treat landscape pests and disease. The goal is to encourage plant health and limit damage by insects and fungal/bacterial disease.
Installation and cultural problems such as planting too deeply, improper plant placement, poor plant selection, poor soils or improper watering practices all contribute to plant stress. At times, a correction by the landscape owner is necessary. There is much that can be done to support ailing plants, and we can help with information and treatments. An effective plant health care program is a cooperative effort between our customer and our team.
Since human, pet, wildlife and environmental safety is our first consideration, we choose products and delivery methods that minimize off target exposure. Such as systemic soil injection to control damaging insects in a tree that is too tall to treat effectively. We employ the least toxic, most effective products available.
Trees and shrubs need adequate food in their root zones so they can thrive, not just survive. Our SuperRoots program provides the full range of nutrients, from micro to macro nutrients, essential soil acids, live soil microbes and much more without encouraging surge growth. The slow-release nature of this product means no surge-growth and extra pruning for you. SuperRoots bio-fertilizer is a nutrient feast for plants.
We are careful about insecticide use and only use products that are non-toxic to bees in spring when fruit and flowering trees are in bloom. For plant damaging larvae, we have access to materials that are OMRI approved for use on flowering plants, that are not harmful to bees. Later in the season, we may use products to control sucking/chewing insects on plants that are NOT blooming. If you are a beekeeper, we will pay attention to treatment timing and schedule treatments for cool mornings when bees are still roosting.